Well, we've started digging out, three weeks after the first blizzard that pounded us. It's a lot of work and I'm literally going to need an ice axe to clear through the final 20-30 feet on our corner.
Our neighbors are going to hate us as I used the new snow blower to cut through the 40+ inch drift in front of our house and threw it all back out on the street. I'd rather have it in the street than flooding my property though or getting me sued because someone slips or falls.
Dana was helping out a lot, she used the regular shovel to clear off the sidewalks, we're still going to have to go get an ice axe and about 30 pounds of snow melt though.
More snow in the forecast for this evening.
Dana says hi!
WHY must you lie J, 20-30 feet...really? Are you using the Mike-D school of mathematical equations, where you add 58% of mis-informed statistical data to the truth?
I lived in Denver for 6 years and never needed such equipment to remove snow from my driveway (ice axe...SERIOUSLY?). All I needed was an empty bed of a truck, 2 Burritos, a box full of sporks from KFC and the number to INS.
STEP 1.) Drive to HomeDepot (choose one near Brendan's hood).
STEP 2.) Pull up and honk your horn.
STEP 3.) Hit the gas - that way you know the 'workers' who actually end up in the bed of your truck are in good shape and can last through the day.
STEP 4.) Stop off at Chipotle and pick up 2 burritos. *CAUTION* - Do not get more than 2 burritos. Cut the 2 burritos into enough pieces for all the 'workers'. You don't want them getting TOO full and having a siesta on your watch!
STEP 5.) Drop them off at your house and hand out their snow removal tools - that's right, the Sporks.
STEP 6.) Pour yourself a nice stiff drink and sit inside the warmth of your house and micro-manage.
STEP 7.) Prior to completion...call the INS and wait for the fireworks.
Empty Truck Bed: $0 (borrowed)
Gas $ to North Denver: $5
2 Burritos: $12
Box of Sporks: $0 (multiple trips to KFC)
INS number: $0 (google)
Helping 'W' rid the U.S. of A. of undocumented illegal aliens: PRICELESS!
It's good to see that you're still alive. You probably would know all about INS and hiring illegals considering that scary neighborhood you are rumored to live in.
Brendan is still suffering from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) just from dodging the bullets at your "crib".
20-30 feet is the horizontal distance along the sidewalk you baboon's ass. Don't make me get up from this desk and slap you down with some calculus.
When the hell are you getting married? Once that happens I can tattle on you to your wife and she will put a stop to your burrito baiting illegal hiring shenanigans.
After consideration of all available options, I've decided to upgrade my snow removal technology:
Will also come in handy at barbeques, and when Godzilla attacks.
So there Jpage! Until you learn to melt snow with your mind, I'm winning.
Whoever dies with the most toys....still dies.
OK, you win. I want to go to one of those BBQs just to see if you catch on fire.
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