Well, a little bit of a recap for everyone out there. After the wedding on September 1st we spent ten days honeymooning on the beautiful island of Maui and we would love to get to have another vacation there, it was fabulous.
October and November seemed to scream right by with us spending almost every waking minute looking after Dustmop Dexter. He did really well right from the start with sleeping in his kennel at night and although he did have a few kennel accidents he is about 90% house broken now. He is still confined to only part of the house because we worry if he had his run of the place he'd find any emptry room to turn into a bathroom.
We also were busy those months getting more things straightened out with the house, we got Dana her dining room furniture and she's really happy with it.
Into December with the normal pre holiday craziness. We opted not to put up any Xmas lights but a lot of our neighbors did and we did put up our Xmas tree.
Then.... the snow came. You've read about how Denver got walloped with two blizzards back to back in a week's time. Well, it was even worse than that where we live (Highlands Ranch, SW of the city). We've probably received over 60 inches of snow in the past three weeks and are starting to feel like we've got a case of cabin fever. The snow is so bad that I (who swore he'd never own one) ordered a snowblower from Minnesotta. You know, one of those big knuckle busters to deal with 12 inches or more of blowing snow. It should be here today, can't wait.
Dana and I have a little mini vacation coming up in February. Hopefully we'll be able to go someplace close by and take Dexter with us.
More news soon!